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Why I am running

Why I’m Standing

I worry about my kids' future—how they will ever afford a home, how they will manage the rising cost of higher education, and what kind of opportunities will be available to them. These challenges aren’t just personal; they’re shared by so many families in Fairfax. That’s why I’m standing—to fight for real solutions that put people first, not politics.

Our political system is broken. Party politics has stopped working for everyday people. Most politicians today are more accountable to their party bosses and major donors than the communities they’ve been elected to serve. They are distracted by ministerial positions and personal ambition.

They care more about winning the next election than governing for the future. This is not how our democracy is meant to work.

I'm running as an Independent because I believe that Fairfax deserves someone who truly listens to the needs of our community.

We can restore trust and integrity.

We can keep politicians honest while creating positive, practical solutions to the challenges we face. I’ve been disillusioned with politics too.

But whether it’s putting back in some accountability, reducing HECs debts for young people or getting real on climate, Independents and the communities who back them are showing it’s possible to make democracy serve people again, not parties.

They are raising the standard, re-energising our democracy and getting things done. 

The Sunshine Coast is unique, and our community deserves leadership that truly answers to us. I’m not interested in being told how to vote by party bosses in Canberra, or protecting my lobbyist mates. I’m here for my community, and I answer only to you.  

It’s time for a representative that cares, listens and acts. It’s time for people, not parties. Let’s get things done.


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